Saturday, June 05, 2004

I just got a memo for my incompetence. Pfft.

I thought that because I love to talk and talk and talk to the point of rambling, I would do great in phone support. Turns out, I don't like it. I mean, I'm not bad at it, I just don't like it. Hell, I was one of the best in my batch not that it's any consolation here.

Going back to my memo... I got one because of patterned absences. Me... Absent. What have we learned so far kids?

I made a promise not to do the same actions again as it doesn't make me look good as a probationary employee. Then fire meeehh!!!
I don't give a rat's ass.

I keep on thinking I still want to persue writing. Professional writing. I'm reading "An introduction to Literature" currently. By currently, I mean the act of reading and not the book's release for it's waaaay older. It was published in the 1970's.

1970's. Wow... I got an antique book! Cool.

...who got a memo?


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