Thursday, April 03, 2003

Own Thoughts


--- I watch a certain teen movie (i was a sucker for them), and there was a line that i found interesting. The girl was asking the guy out for a cup of coffee. "How about your boyfriend?" the guy asked. "I don't have a boyfriend" said the girl. "I mean, why limit yourself when there's a world of possibilities out there?" Then the guy said "Well, maybe those possibilities distract from what you really want?.. That's why i don't watch cable." The girl was puzzled. "There's too many choices." the guy explained.
The two persons each have strong points. Honestly, i don't know which is plausible. Although I am leaning towards the guy's point. (not that he's a guy, its not an issue of chauvinism or anything, i mean, its not like the girl is wrong or what, i just...ugh, i loath myself sometimes.. moving on...)
Sometimes, we tend to want or prefer many choices in things. Take TV for example. Not all of have CABLE TV. An average cable subscription have 41 channels. (imagine!) HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies etc. I promise you, you will flick on those channels like picking up nuts on a Cornbits pack.
Then if someone asks you, "hey! did u watched TV patrol last night? there was an interesting part that talked about dogs. it was good"
You will probably answer "ummm, er.. I watched HBO last night, Weekend at bernies was on". Surely, you will feel kinda left out. Especially if the person next to you watched the DOG thing on CH. 2.
This are just some of the instances that having too much choices are not so desirable. Sometimes, you have to limit or get the usual choices most ppl have.

--- I saw a shirt once and it has this print on the back -
"don't let the things you cannot do stop you from doing the things you can."
Make sense? Of course it does. And to think that i got it from a shirt. (i dunno the brand).
Sometimes our weaknesses makes us think that we are incapable of accomplishing other "work" or "tasks" in life. We are cornered by the thought that we shall falter or fail in doing them. On the back of our heads, our weaknesses are creeping up on the good side of our brain giving us some level of hesitation and lessens our self confidence without us knowing it. For me, this is the core problem for some ppl. They actually have the thinking that they are "risking" or "gambling" when they try to do the things they are really capable of doing.
Buttom line is, we need to accept the things we can't do. Thus by acceptance can we truly and effectively do the things we can.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the strength to change things i can,
and the wisdom to know the difference"

-- back in my old town, there is a jeepney driver called "No Problem". that's his name. Unusual? wait till u hear its story.
When you ride his jeepney, he usually is silent but has one line to say for most conversations -- "No Problem".
"can u drop me on the next alley?"
"No problem"
"sorry, i don't have a smaller bill"
"No problem"
One day, his jeepney broke down in the middle of the road and caused traffic. I was on the other jeepneys and decided to go down to check what's causing the ordeal. After learning the cause, i went back. But as i was walking, people asks me what happened. I told them it was "No problem". All sighed with relief and relaxed and waited. the news was passed and all waited, patienly.
I came to work late, of course, and my boss (shakeys) asked me why i was later with a scolding tone. I told him No Problem's jeep broke down and caused a traffic. Quickly, his face change to a neutral one and ordered me to get dressed. no further interrogation. (phew!) It was no problem for he was "No Problem"

--- Birthdays are things we really look forward to. This is different on my part. I dont. I mean, yeah, i like my birthday but I have a different vision of it. My bday is not much of a big deal for me. Yes, its like a change of age and everything but for me, i dont look forward to it. I'm even anxious for my bday to pass. Let me give you a situation.
My most recent b-day, i got up and thought what will i do today? So I went to the video store to pick up some films i will watch. I got some sappy love stories and went to the counter. The clerk checked on my records and after a few seconds looked at me... "happy birthday sir" she exclaimed. It was the first greeting i got for that day and it came from a video store clerk. I smiled and said "thanks, you're the first one to greet me today". She blushed. I left the store and went home and watched the films.
The next day, i left for work but stopped by the video store to return the tapes. Again, (with a different clerk, a cuter one, ), checked my records and looked at me, "Belated Happy Birthday sir" she said with a smirk. I smiled and said "thanks, you're the first one to greet me belated."
What's wrong with that story? You tell me... I'm just a year older than before. no more no less. I dont expect anyone to greet me anymore. I just go to the video store. ;-)

---Life is a time for learning
We must learn that our Life is as important
as that of any other person on Earth,
but never more important. We must learn
that we have every right to Happiness,
yet it is up to us to find and recognize it.
We must learn that Life is not easy
nor is it permanent, others will come and go,
and often their departure will cause us pain.
We must learn to develop a positive attitude
That can handle Life's disappointments.
And we must learn that in order to find Love,
we must look inside our own Heart.
For if we can't find it within,
we will never find it without.


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