Friday, June 23, 2006

alcohol dabs

People have different reasons, seasons, ways and approaches to drinking. The most common is the "social" reason. The infamous "I drink socially". This can be translated into - "where there is alcohol, I'm there." I have to admit that I was once like this. I mean, I would be to every drinking venue even if I only know one person on that group. ahh, good times! There was even a time where we don't have much money and we would make this concoction called 50 or 45 i think. Basta, it's a number. You don't wanna know what's in it. Trust me.

I vary between two extremes. I either drink because I'm bored and don't know nothing better to do. Or, I'm really in tha mood to. Now that can get ugly. There was one time, and one I will probably never forget, i asked a friend to have a drink with me and he replied with a "what's the problem?" I wanted to sway him away from the idea but he DID catch me off-guard. As we we're drinking, he's asking what the problem was.I told him, I'm not that drunk yet to divulge. We finished a case and a half of redhorse beer. Just the two of us. I was limp and swaying like a rice stalk full to the tip. Her girlfriend came to my apartment and I brazenly asked for food. It still cracks me up just thinking about it.

There was also an incident where we we're almost hit by a car as we were coming out from Diamond, the place to be when you want to drink. My friend, who was a little tipsy quickly sped off and followed the other car. When we were able to make him stop, he quickly gave us the "right of way" routine. Funny thing was, my friend wasn't even asking anything. Now here's the line I'll die before I forget - "right of way, right of way.. barilan daka ken eh!" ( i'll shoot you right here) Of course I knew he doesn't have any ammunition to back up that remark but another friend of ours, the same guy I drank 1 and a half case with was in the backseat and he turned to me shivering "does francis have a gun?". I said no he doesn't. By this, he started breathing normally.

These stories are only a scratch off the surface with all the adventures I had with my friends. Hope you learned something boys and girls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such good memory... Shot tane!

9:22 PM  

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