Thursday, April 03, 2003

I was just fiddling with my mind and came up with these thoughts that i learned in the past.
You can read them or not, depends on you. I just thought that i share these ones. Hope u share yours too...

-- after college, i started asking myself what i learned. then ideas pass my head. detailed ones. Algebra, calculus, grammars and spellings, programs and logic.... then it struck me, i only learned one thing essential. MOTIVATION. back then, you are urged if not forced to study, understand, even memorize numbers and words (some are gibberish). Why? because of grades. either good ones or just to pass it, which in turn, points toward a higher goal -- graduate and so on.
Presently, as I work, i try to motivate myself in accomplishing things. Believe me its no picnic but you gotta try it. Its great on what you can accomplish with a little motivation from yourself. Try simple motivation tools like, returning a favor from somebody, for a little pride, for a loved one... these little things will do good in accomplishing huge ones. As the song goes "it only takes spark to get a fire going"

-- my youth was filled with numerous incidents that defies my age and understanding. My circle of friends consist of a group of older people enough to be my grandfathers and grandmothers. (honest!) And another group which are younger but are older than me. about 5-6 years older. the grand ones were sensible in talking about God and reflections on bible readings. (we meet once a week to do this). it was great hearing from their expert opinions and wisdom and i felt that they are thrilled to hear views from a kid, or child, or youth or.. (geez, just someone younger!).
The key moment was with my other group, the older brothers. we play basketball and talk at night. It was unfortunate that one of my "brother's" father died. His father was so close to us for he was a kind man. He was like a second father to me. On the third day after his death, we were hanging out on the basketball court, (we didn't play of course) then we left to go to our friend's house, he was with us. the other ones had to get their bikes so it was just me and the one whose father died. As we were walking, i noticed him very silent, i understood his silence but he turned to me and uttered a phrase that made me shiver -- "gibbs, nagtagal din ang tatay ko no?" (gibbs, my father lasted long didn't he?) At that point i looked at him and didn't know what to say that would be appropriate. I just said in most honesty - "naging tatay ko na sya kuya". (he became my father, bro) He smiled the warmest i ever saw in all our time being friends. There i thought that they looked at me not as a younger kid, but as an equal friend. I then began to think a little advanced for my age. But the fact remains that i am still young and has the audacity to feel and act the way my age ought to.

-- paranoia is attached to my name, in fact, i think they invented it just for me (that sentence proves it, sigh). It is my worst problem of all time. im glad im not schizophrenic yet. No matter what people say or convince me to believe, i still stick to it. its sick i know (spare me the low head shaking) The surprising fact is, a lot are like me. Well not exactly a lot, but i met some people with the same problem. We may seem pathetic at times but for me... well, i have my own point. When i feel these paranoia attacks, i'm always right. Always. When i feel that something is wrong, there is. Hard to believe? Well that's for you. I tend to have a hunch that something wrong is gonna happen or is happening and it ALWAYS does. (third eye? ho humm)
So for all people like me. Don't be so down with your... should we say, uniqueness. We have reasons to feel these things and should not be the means for us not to be happy and enjoy life.

-- Ever saw horses used for transformation that have those square covers on their eyes? (pardon for the vagueness) im sure you have an idea what are those for. some even say so that its eyes won't get splinters or dirts in their eyes. some say so they's eyebugs won't show (huh?) some say because the style of the covers are flattering to them. (ha!)
Seriously, they put them on so the horses won't see other things covered on their peripheral vision and in turn get bothered or distracted while they cruise around with passengers. You see horses are sensitive to sudden movements, even from the corner of their eyes.
The story i related has two sides when applied to life. One - The covers signify the decision of a person in not minding the other factors in life. i.e friends, family, fun, relationships and the like. He sets his goals so blindly that he will not let other things interfere, or risk the chance of them getting some of his attention. So determined and focused.
The other is the one who does not use the cover. They rather go through life with these outer factors and results do vary if they succeed or not. But horses are driven by people while we are our own drivers. Try to see on the perspective and decide if you need covers or not.

-- My co-workers were talking one day and covered every topic known to man on the first two bottles. (just for unwinding, trust me) We came to talk about destiny and fate. (im not sure if they mean the same thing) I personally don't believe in it. No blinking. Then one of us blurted that his grandfather related their definition of destiny. His gramps believe in it, BUT! it has only two sides in it. He believes that a man is only destined to live and die. When a man is born, he is destined to be born as the same when he dies. Those are the only destiny a man has. Everything on between is up to the person and is subjected to his own choices. you always have a choice. you always have choice.

~~ Quote ~~

-- From "As Good as it Gets"
Some of us have great stories - pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car - but a lot of people, that's their story - good times, noodle salad. What makes you mad is not that you had it bad, but that you're pissed that so many others had it good.


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