Thursday, April 10, 2003

Most, yes, most fairy tales have female leads. Hell, even Fairies are mostly females. Now, here's the not-so-whopping question - Why are there not much males. We are always faced with the Knight in shining Armor and Prince Charming crap. (Well, yeah, there's the Beast and Quasimodo and a frog) These are the same reasons I put a higher distinction between tales and reality. I'm not saying to scrap those type of valiant stories however, as an observant to the hopeless romanticism and underdog characters of the written, i hope they make more of the latter.

Take Snow White. Spent quite a time with 7 dwarves then cursed with an apple, slept in a coffin. Came "The Prince Charming" kissed her, woke her up and Bham! She's him for the taking. I mean, the dwarves tended to her needs. They protected her as much as their size and limited capabilities can. For the time Snow White stayed with the dwarves, she felt secured and happy. And for me, it was great at that point.

Next, Cinderella. I mean, come on Prince! Cinderalla has a suitor on her own league just next door. A quite guy who has forlorn dreams of studying and teaching kids. Loves nature and cares for his family. That's why he worked for a terror of a tenant. Working all day on a barn of animals rarely sees the market and all that. What happened to that guy? He exiled himself. He became more adamant in hoping he'll ever find such a catch as Cinderella. Nice move hot shot! Cinderalla was just blinded by your dashing good looks, perfect white teeth, jaunty words and accent, flashy carriage, always-walking-with-a-sword and wardrobe that would make the "Emperor" a run for his money. Oh, and the fact that you're part of history. Why don't you just take the two for one special? Take the wicked step-mother as well.


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