Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I am not living to the name I have as a blogger. Blabbermouth.. pfft! Yeah right. I'm a shame.

If you would accept me again, I will try harder to squeeze every morsel of idea or thought I have in my head and share it. (nah.. too dramatic but you get the picture)

I've been rockbottom these past few weeks. I am tempted to shout "doesn't it ever stop?". Too much for the quarter life crisis crap. I feel I'm too young for these problems but then again, my problems my not be that serious compared to people older the moi. At least I have something to equate all of this challenges.

I was having a chat with my work friend on our break. He's married and has a son. It came to the point I was asking what it was like when they started the marital road. He gave me the "don't-worry-about-it-too-much-everything-will-eventually-fall-into-place" diatribe. But, I do believe he really subscibe to such. He's doing well now. He has a firm spirituality, I will give him that. I can't believe I'm thinking about settling down or something remotely close to marriage. And who said men are afraid of commitment?

Maybe it just needs the right person and the right moment. It's not exactly when you are ready. Financial stability is just an added bonus. But I do want to give my future family a brighter future. (whoa, who's talking?)

Seriously, I may not make that much but I want to have a problem-less start with my marital life. I still believe when Jason Mraz said "I won't worry my life away" Too much planning may just make thing's worst.

Here's to everyone who wants to start a new Life with his own Family. God will make a way...


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