Wednesday, June 23, 2004

not good...

Me and my girlfriend had (have) a little problem. It was my fault actually. I was checking out the phone of his brother that she swapped with temporarily. My curiosity lead me in locking the phone's keypad. Little did I know that the phone has a password for the keypad to be unlocked. It was one of those Motorola Communicators. Suffice to say that it ended bad. Now she doesn't want to talk to me. She can't check her messages. I offered some suggestions, with me offering my phone for her to use but to no avail. It was worth the try and my intentions were nothing short of honorable. But she cannot be reasoned with.

This lead me in a deep thought about mistakes. It would take some time before I can learn the rare art of handling her temper. It brought me closer to God though. If she'd ever have the chance to read this I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me.

But then again, it gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "blewing a short story into a scene of epic proportions." Not that I have anything in defense.

Get the picture?


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