Saturday, June 24, 2006


No, not the TV series but a very special person in my life is. During the time I have been close to her, I have avoided making decisions for her. Big ones that is. More like I refuse to. Honestly, it may be because I don't want to be blamed for any regrets or negative outcomes if ever I were to do it. I do, on the other hand, give options, suggestions, comments and what not to help her make a good decision on whatever. I have always believed I'm doing the right thing but recently, I'm not sure anymore. I hate to think that there will come a time where you will have to do it. For her sake.

Most of the time I tend to put my own inclination aside. Far aside. Indulgence has been somewhat of a stranger to me. Prayers are my only consolation in these times of frailty. I do hope she has the strength and guidance from above to carry out what she have decided. And soon...


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