Monday, March 17, 2003

First entry.. here goes nothing.

How do people do this. I know everyone started a diary once in their lives but not me. I keep them in my mind and eventually forget. I chose the titled, btw, because it is what I do. I talk to myself. It quenches my thirst to relate what I fail to do with another being. I never understood why I have such a pathological problem with being too open with everything. Non-secretive if you will. sigh.

I had written some of these crap on my email, cellphone and even on a random piece of paper I found on my place. Oh, and my roommate's computer. I feel he sees me sometimes as a freak.

My mind is being swarmed with thoughts about everything.

I dunno if I did justice to my first entry *because* it is my first ever entry. I just hope that I can continue this for long.

Bye. Maybe tomorrow...

I dunno. To be honest, I started this online diary thingie as a frustrated, pathetic, and mediocre attempt to relinguish any remaining morsel of thoughts I have. I do not have any intention of releasing this to anyone just yet but who knows. If ever, I will not change this introduction. Neither will I say "enjoy" to the ones who will be brave enough to read for it is not created with such an ulterior motive. I just hope that this medium will help me cope up with all the insecurities (that's plural) I have in life. Thank you.