Saturday, August 05, 2006

TGI friday

Over here, it's a different story. Friday IS the only rest day for most of us. Saturday is monday. So people do stuff on thursday night. Like "sabado nights", that's the day where the bars and malls are packed. I, for one, don't like doing stuff on thursday. You can't enjoy much at a bar where you can't even sit. Neither can you eat out and wait an hour for you food to arrive. Fortunately my rest day is monday. Manic Monday. My roommate has that song on his cellphone. Never understood that guy's taste for music.


After writing that entry above, if you'll call it an entry, I'm suddenly overthrown by boredom. The itch. The inexplainable need to be occupied by something or anything. Gawd. I wonder if there's a person that enjoys this. So, yes, it's safe to say that this blog is a by-product of boredom. And it sucks.


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