Thursday, April 10, 2003

Sometimes, you wish you we're clueless of things. Completely. That, for a minute, you won't be too keen of things that revolves around you. It only leads to
complication. Ignorance is bliss right?


Saying "No" will always be a sign on strength at times you need to.


"let the things you love be your escape."

I heard this phrase somewhere or something I watched and since then I never really understood it. Well, until now.

I'm speaking in light of my age. I had flashes in the past of things I loved and then proceeded to immense myself in them and making them my passion. Sadly, they didn't stay much in me. I thought of reasons why and have been found futile in such attempt.

In life, you have things, persons, even events that you fall in love with. This creates a world in which you alone control. The feeling of having them in you is exhilarating. Actually, there's no word to describe it. You can't define exactly, how you love something - you just do. It's your own reality. Apart from the outside environment which you currently subscibe to. Your ESCAPE.



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