Wednesday, July 09, 2003

"If there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? Of course! The Globetrotters!


I'm on a Ghostbusters hype today. I missed the cartoon. I'm always Egon. (whoa, what a geek!) Egon Spengler played by Harold Ramis on the movie. I didn't enjoy the movie that much because I'm still swamped with the cartoon version. I can still hear Egon's cracky voice and clever scientific speaking. It's funny when he makes blunt remarks that makes his partners roll their eyes. Hey! Cut the guy some slack will yah?He invented this...

                       The Ghost Trap.

I don't want to sound like a high-school nerd but these gadgets are sooo cool. And to think I still know them right now doesn't do well for my reputation. Like I can gloat to my friends on a casual conversation - "Do you guys still remember what the PKE Meter looks like?". I'm lucky if they don't shiver in disgust. It's just sad.

Oh, by the way, in case you want to remember what a PKE Meter looks like, here's a glimpse.


At the risk of sounding geeky and with minimal redundancy, the PKE Meter stands for Psyco-Kinetic Energy Meter. It is used to find traces of PKE left by the ghost. (Egon's voice)

Ahem... I'm shutting up now. (sigh)


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