Thursday, July 24, 2003

We were swarmed with work yesterday that's why I wasn't able to blog. Anyway, it happens very rare so it's not something to vent from.


I think I have the dullest fashion sense. That is, if I ever have any sense if. I haven't been that keen on what I wear. The problem is, when I try to be aware of it, say, I picked a shirt to match my pants or shoes, or I went into a store and bought an item of clothing that I thought will look fine on me - THE WORSE IT GETS. I am not exposed to shopping for clothes for my sister does it when she was here. I figured, I ought to learn how. Of course, since this has been going on since like, ever, I don't mind it. Makes it even hard to accept compliments regarding my get up. Geez... Pathetic.

I had a friend that told me I should be aware of my physical wrapping for it reflects my personality as well. I didn't exactly followed it immediately but I thought, what the hell - it beats sitting at home every freaking day and trying to create your own parallel universe.

Watch out Zoolander!


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