Friday, July 18, 2003

I.. AM.. Baaaaack. (cue the fireworks!)

Or, you can cut the fireworks part for I'm not feeling my best today. Last night was a blast for me. I had a great long day. Last thing I wanted was to sleep on it and further extend the smile on my face. But the problem started when I reached home. We had some friends over the house and they slept on our bed. I had no choice but to crash on our bamboo sala set. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against bamboo sala sets but, the fan is not in any rotating distance close to me. In fact, I'm right at the back of it. It's acting as a suction fan rather than a normal blowing fan. Trust me, it's not that comforting.

I didn't sleep again which is a small torture when you are trying to quit smoking. I got through the morning fine. Maybe, I'm just a little tired from the day before. I did have a long day.

Anyhoo, I'm through with updates. A friend of mine asked me a question: In line with my beliefs and what not, do I consider myself a conservative (person)? Now these are the questions I don't hear everyday. However, it intrigued me as well. I want to find out what my answer would be. (there's something redundant about the sentence back there)

I guess I answered very vaguely when it was asked. I haven't given it much thought. I found myself talking about how I grew up with women in our old house. Maybe that's the only clear answer I can come up with. What I got with such an environment in my impressionable years was being instilled with respect to women. Huge, to the point I fear them at times. I guess, the consolation is that I was able to understand them a little better. When I started grade school, all my close friends are girls and I'm the only boy. I was cooed to be gay. It didn't last long though.

Now, I finally know what I am as per the pending question. I'm partly conservative. I still have remnants of how I used to live in our small town. I love that small town. We do things primitively as compared to nearby developed towns. It was how we lived until I started college.

I'm also partly radical. I can easily adapt to drastic changes away from what I learned. As long as they still remain un-damaging one way or the other. I have developed an open mind about things that are beyond my knowledge. I'm glad I did.

I guess, that's how I can answer the question. It made me think hard but it did make me aware of myself and what my stand is on the subject. Kudos to my friend who asked me that. I'm always looking forward to our next repartee. ;-)


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