Monday, July 14, 2003

I'm a little lethargic while blogging today so please bear with me. Well, it's not exactly that you'll notice it or anything but.. nah. Forget it. (sigh)

I had a nice day today. Nice being the operative word. I dunno why people underestimate the power of the word "Nice". For me, Nice is everything. It embodies all the necessary factors to effect the subject and take it closer to perfection. It's a very common adjective that everybody uses on a daily basis. It's like using "Cool." Cool is a little bit hip and I'm not so, I don't use it much.

However, for some situations, Nice or Cool can be mistakenly vague. For instance, "what do you think of the house?", "It's nice" It's normal that the person who asked is expecting an answer with a little more oomph. But the answer is the closest the other person can give.

Enough of "Nice"-Dissertation 101. I had brunch with a friend of mine this morning. I picked her up a little earlier than agreed and I regret it for it just made her rush. She was so refreshing to see nonetheless. A sight for sore eyes. About roughly 20 -25 mins, we were in Angeles proper walking straight to the mall. Now, I haven't been in this mall even if was operating for 8 months and running. She said she'd give me a tour. I smiled and took the pleasure. We strolled every inch of the mall, (it's not that big anyway) and went to a KFC branch. We were both eyeing on the comfortable seats but they were occupied. We strolled more hoping they would be vacated when we get back. Odessey was our next spot, we scanned some VCDs and chatting whilst we do. I love those moments. Record bars always brings up a good time. Well for me at least.

The comfortable seats are still not empty so we agreed to eat at another branch just a few blocks from the mall. We ate and talked about other stuff. She asked me about my past relationship which caught me off-guard. Nevertheless, I caved and answered them with utmost candidness. It's been a while since I thought about them but just as I said to her, they were trivial. We had laughs here and there till it was almost time for me to go to work. I accompanied her to the mall entrance and hopped in the jeep bound for Clark. Now I'm here at work, fully awake and crossing my fingers that I can come by her place later tonight.

There is truth in Fiction and there is Fiction in truth.

Au revoir.


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