Saturday, July 19, 2003

I guess I've outgrown my "couch potato" stage. I had it when I was still on grade school. I watch much TV at a very early age. I still remember some shows that some friends don't know existed. My first taste of TV fun may have been Sesame Street. I had friends ask me on where I got my English fluency. My immediate and consistent answer is Sesame Street. I watch it every day and know all characters by heart. I can even recite some lines from the show. My current personality is a mixture of all characters. Even Oscar the grouch but I hide him as much as I can. After getting saturated with the comical characters, I shifted to what I consider, my own tv show. The Wonder Years. As you have guessed, I am Kevin Arnold. (hey! it's my show remember?) The show is about a young boy living his life through the rigors of childhood. (i.e. parents, school, friends, girls etc) The part I like is the voice-over. The thoughts on Kevin head are narrated by a guy. Sounds like he's in the late 20s. Oh, and Winnie Cooper is soooo cute. I still have goosebumps and smiles at the scenes of Kevin and Winnie. They are so innocent and romantic. Call me cheezy, I don't care. Every episode teaches me things I will have trouble learning outside for I wasn't allowed to go outside much. Part of me still aches why I have to be subjected to such.

After the show was removed from the basic channels, I found Doogie. Douglas "Doogie" Howser M.D. Now there's a smart kid. He graduated Medicine by the age of 16. (It's fiction people!) At the age of 14, he delivered a baby in a shopping mall. I can still hear the opening sounds of the show. It was a break for nickelodeon boy Neil Patrick Harris. My sister joined me at this point. She likes Vinnie. Vincent "vinnie" Delpino. He's funny. He's the one responsible for keeping Doogie in touch with his age apart from the Professional medicine world. The highlight for me is the ending of the show where Doogie enters thoughts in his computer as reflected from his day. They were so profound and a little witty.

There are a helluva lot of TV shows that took a huge part and influence in my childhood to pre-adolescence. If I blogged about them, you'll have to be sedated afterwards. ;-)

Growing up happens in a heartbeat.
One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone.
But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.
I remember a place...a town...a a lot of houses...
A yard like alot of other yards...
On a street like a lot of other streets.
And the thing is...after all these years, I still look back...with wonder.
- The Wonder Years

Seasons by Elton John
"For our world, the circle turns again
Throughout the year we've seen the seasons change
It's meant a lot to me to start anew
Oh the winter's cold but I'm so warm with you
Out there there's not a sound to be heard
And the seasons seem to sleep upon their words
As the waters freeze up with the summer's end "


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