Monday, November 17, 2003

I'm on my new shift. It's EARLY.

How early? I wake up at 4:00 in the morning. So, eventually, I need to sleep around 9 or, at most, 10 in the evening. That's when my night starts when I was in the afternoon shift! sigh.. talk about sudden changes in lifestyle huh?

But this new sched has it's own distinct advantages. I have more time after work. Well, more time to do nothing since I'm not used to it but then again....

I am aware that I haven't blogged for like a month now. I'm really sorry. I hope you understand the pressures I've been under these past few days.

Oh, by the way, I might be able to study soon. Consequently, I may need to leave this work sooner. But I'm still thinking on the date. My girlfriend wants me to do it on Feb because of all the back payments I need to pay. The cost of leaving, matter of speaking.

I'll hit you back soon. Au revoir!