Thursday, December 25, 2003

It's Dec 25!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sorry if my greeting seem sudden as there weren't any prior blog regarding this Holiday season. Don't look at me.. I'm happy. I'm not waiting for christmas the way kids do. In reality, they are the most fortunate ones come the Holidays. I just remembered Barry Manilow singing...

"Tonight belongs to all the children
tonight their joy rings through the air
and so we send our tender blessings
to all the children everywhere
to see the smiles and hear the laughter
a time to give
a time to share."

Sometimes you would wish you were a child again. I guess I have learned how to get in touch with that side of me. It helps when you have problems aaaaaaand... it helps you enjoy christmas better.

I have a jampacked itenerary for today. Some even conflict. Either way, I know, I'll enjoy every minute of it.

Here's to you and your family. Happy Holidays from your resident blabbermouth. Muah!.


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