Friday, June 25, 2004

My Secret Identity

In line with the trip down old shows lane I would like to add another show I haven't found another soul that shares my enthusiasm with. I think all these shows I watched in an early age molded me into this... er, comic individual. I'm a sucker for romance. (the background on my desktop is dawson's creek, need I say more?"

Back in the time where I was alone, meaning not having any girlfriend, I always believed in hopeless romanticism. I actually missed the feeling of butterflies on one's stomach when that "someone" passes by or even the thought of. Sigh. Acting on it only leads to spectrums of emotions and repercussions.

Anyhoo, I remember this show when I was around 8, or was it 9? It was a very young Jerry O'Connell. The show was My Secret Identity. The think I liked on this show was that it was one of those superheroes that hides their identities. Come to think of it, don't they all? The thing is, he's just a teenager. I always wanted to have some mediocre power I can use to hide myself sometimes. HELLO?? Earth to Gibbs. Come in Gibbs! Pfft.

It was about Jerry as Andrew Clements. An average high-school student. By saying average I mean a nobody. You know how it was to be a nobody in high-school right? Or no. Whatever. He stumbled one day in the lab of his next door neighbor who, in a freakish coincidence, is a scientist. I forgot how he entered the lab in the first place but he tampered with some sort of gadget with a lot of goop and it gave him superpowers. Not the typical powers that other cardboard cutouts have. He can fly yes, but he has to use air sprays. He IS that light. He has speed too and a little strength. (What's new right?)

The first part of the show was about him coping up with his powers and helping fight bad guys. The latter part of the show was about dealing with real life's situations that requires him to be a normal person. This is where I like it the most. Him dealing with the opposite sex. He plays a good dork. Kinda reminds of Duckie.

Here's the song so you'll get a good kick on the show. Too bad they didn't do any reruns on it. I'm sure to be in tune to it today and even if they start showing it when I'm 40.

This is better than my imagination.
This is more than a dream come true.
Without the slightest bit of hesitation,
I knew what I was meant to do.
You'll never guess my secret identity.
Who's on the inside hiding out?
You never know what you'll see,
when you unlock a mystery.
Sometimes this double life gets outta hand.
For if you see trouble coming,
I'm your man.


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