Friday, April 11, 2003

I cried today. Nothing serious and hard of course. But enough to create small dropplings of tears. It started after putting down a book I was reading, (ironically, it's a funny book), then grabbing my cell and thinking of some "thoughts" to compose, I was struck with an epiphany. I was a wreck.Then that's when I started welling up.
Flashes of demeaning factors splattered my mind that I couldn't contain or brush off. I held both my hands over my eyes while I sat at the corner of my bed. I didn't know what to do at that point. I prayed for a mento, I blamed, I cursed, and with one last masculine attempt of release - I punched the wall. It's one of the most pathetic act of men as a release, I know, but it was all I can think of. I've spent most of my adult life in solitude so I understood myself.
It's almost time for work and I have to take a bath. I hope I won't take this with me.


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