Thursday, April 17, 2003

I had a two day quasi-hiatus on blogging. I was a little tied up with work and other stuff. But, I regret every single time I skip a day.

Last night, my workmates talked about eating at DIDI's pizza. I told them there are a lot of people there at this time of the month since it's lent and there's no classes or work for government employees. (oh yeah, and I'm broke).
To my surprise, they caved. We walked along fields near Domino's to buy some veggies they'll need for breakfast. Then we agreed to buy pandesal and Liver spread. (yes, it's 11 in the evening) There is a famous bakery near that makes all day Hot Pandesal and they are pretty darn good. We bought like 40 pesos worth. Enough for a small army.
We reached their house and was greeted by their housemates, full force. (40 pesos is a very wise move) It was fun while we ate hot pandesal at 12:00 in the evening and exchange jokes.

Now I learned that Pandesal is good food since ALMOST everybody eats them and you can put what you want. Cheese, Cheese Wiz, Mayo, and in our case, Liver spread. In our old town, its a must to matched it with steaming coffee then dip them. God, that's good food. Low in fat and cholesterol, and most of all CHEAP. I urge you to try it sometime. Don't forget to buy extra.


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