Saturday, April 19, 2003

Today is one of those "Ho-Hum" days. And, these types of days are the ones I like. You know those days when you had a nice night where you got out, partied or talked with a friend over coffee or went to last full show which you are sure you got your money's worth then went to sleep past midnight. Eventually wake up with the sound of all your housemates busy roaming around the narrow living room, loud sounds, rice being cooked, thinking about what to eat for the 10:00 lunch. Greet you good morning then tease you why you came home late.
We eat, talk about the weather, the war, women... Then, when you take a bath, you mutter to yourself - "this is gonna be a great day". Those days. (kinda long huh? but you get the picture.)

These are the days blogging is a must. A barrage of thoughts cloud your mind.


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