Thursday, May 08, 2003! Phew!

It's my off today and I did all that I can do. In a mall. heheh. I left home around 11 and stepped in Robinson's at 11:35. Fortunately, I have an itenerary for the day so I know what I'm after. Some provisions here and a shirt there. But here's the cliffhanger. I went to National to grab a book I've been meaning to buy like.. forever.

The above italized blog is from yesterday. I just thought I'd still quote it. I still have remnants of yesterday's malling adventure. How do I start.. Okay, here goes. I watched Vin Diesel's "A Man Apart" Not much of my type of movie but nonetheless, it was ok. Next we took coffees (that's plural) at shop just right outside the cinemas. People are kind over there. Next, I dragged myself to buy a shirt. I succeeded. (there was a sale ;-) )

Then here comes National. I bought some literary classics. As I was on the cashier line, an attendant was on the last line. Standing behind him, he politely told me that that particular cashier line is closing. Then I joined the other line of course, only to be startled by him talking to me. "You don't remember me, do you?" Way to put someone on the spot eh? I replied that I may have forgotten. We were from the same high school and was under me in the Army training. Small world but we still got separated without remembering who he really was.

At 4:30, my scheduled amigo came and we set out for food. Burger is the verdict. Cigarettes followed.

On the way home, I striked a serious conversation with the late comer after the first one went ahead for home. He has a car built for drag racing so it's awfully fast but he took the hint for the serious talk and lowered the speed meant for city cruising and got some soothing sounds. It was like heaven for me. It made me open up easily and comfortably.

I told him my angsts and, suprisingly, he gave me profound ears. He listened to me which is what I needed. Cutting to the chase, he understood me cause he was in the same dump I am in. I saw a new light in him and I had the highlight of my week. Those 40 minutes of driving we're all I needed to rejuvenate my soul for another trek in the jungle called Life.


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