Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Here we are folks. I'll be blogging outside in some damp, rugged old cafe somewhere after this.

This is officially my last day here at AOL. 3 years.. Imagine.

I made a life here in this little shack called 2113. (or is it 2112?)

I love this job, that's a fact. Guess there are heavier sacrifices I have to bear to get what we really want or need. Everything in those three years was easy and passed by leaving me unscathed.

I am lost for words at this point and I thank all of the people that have been my family. I may have hurt some of you but it was never my intention.

It has been an honor working with you all...

My Email

Monday, January 26, 2004

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Thursday, January 22, 2004

It was the night of the 19th. I was lying in bed. For once I was early so I can wake up before 12:00 am. I set my phone to alarm a minute before that time so I have time to send a message.

I was thinking, as I began to be comfortable in my bed, five months... seems such a short time. We have gone through a lot. The difference is that we have been friends for a much longer time than that. five months.. just a month later, it will be six. That's half a year. Next thing we know, we are having our one year anniversary. By then, I know we'll be happier and more in love if being in-love more than now is possible. If there's nothing else I believe in, I believe in us. My faith was fortified because of you and the blessings that come through you. I just hope against hope that you see yourself through my eyes for then you will understand why I am such a happy person...

Monday, January 19, 2004

Here is a poem that has touched me so much I got it memorized in one sitting. I recite it every chance I get, especially when I need it. Hope you like it.

If everything was easy

and nothing made us sad

If everything was easy

and nothing turned out bad

If heartaches never happened

and tears would never flow

We'd stay such little people

and never really grow.

If everything was easy

and fell into our hands

If everything was easy

and went just like we planned

We'd take it all for granted

and feel no greater gain

For strength comes when we suffer

and wisdom comes from pain.

If everything was easy

I'd be no good to you

For how could I look at your hurt

and say I'd been there, too?

I'd be a petty person

just an infant all my days

And I'd never thank my Savior

for the sunshine's golden rays

Author Unknown

How long has it been? A month? Less than that I bet but nonetheless, a considerable length to take a semi-hiatus on blogging.

I have to say that I'm moving in a pace and to a place I haven't even began to dream I would be able to do. I took the plunge. It's scary even to anticipate whatever debilitating consequences I would face but I guess I have to be ready for it.

There's nothing like crisis like these to make your faith revived. I have to admit that I have been on a spiritual whirl for a long while. I was, should I say, absorbed with my attempt to change my life and everything in it. I can say that I am doing good with all these changes in me but I left behind the one thing that was consistently nudging me to do good.

Thank you Lord for restoring my faith in you and may it stays and keep on reminding me of your constant guidance so I may appreciate and praise you the way I should always have. Amen