Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I had to cut short the previous blog but eventually, I'll continue it on a later time. sigh.. I'm not feeling my best emotionally today. It's funny that I can inflict this depressing on and off like a lightswitch. It's so hard to be like this. I won't even dignify all this by launching on another pathetic, self-depreciating spiel. I don't feel good when I do that.

Where do I go from here, you ask? Staying afloat, that's what. I this close to being an alchoholic. My smoking is no longer occasional nor casual to the point that I allow money to be allocated for it. My physique is slowly reaching obese-dom. I'm technically broke with all the loans I have. I have visions of being a hermit. Well, that's too far-fetched, I know. Hopefully, I'll continue to walk the road less traveled till I am hit on the head by some force that will enlighten my somewhat, loom horizon.

With that, I bid you all farewell and till next blogging. I don't blame you if you quit reading this. I don't give a crap anymore.

Be well.


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