Sunday, May 18, 2003

Isn't there a name for like, a day where nothing seems to go right? Like a Bad Hair Day only, the whole day is the one jinxed. Well, whatever it is, I had it yesterday. Oh yeah, big whoop. It was the day to end all bad days. Details follows and I suggest you brace yourselves. heheh.

It was the 6th-month Birthday of a friend's daughter. We got invited and agreed to come. My companion, fortunately, has a car so transportation was easier and convenient. (take note of the bolded)

He is supposed to pick me up at my apartment at 10:00 AM so we can get to the 11:00 party. However, the car needs a little fixing. It needs a new tire at the front for its busted. He says he can handle it on his own so I stayed at home and waited for the agreed pick-up time. I was awakened by someone calling outside out apartment. It was him and it was 11:00. Cut to the obvious, I overslept. But he was also late for he arrived at my placed at 10:45. Less pressure on moi. We were on the road at 11:15 and took the free road, not the expressway for his plate number is not bolted on the car. He filled me in on the details about the car-fixing. He got a new tire for the damaged one.

A stop for gas then we're really on our way.


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