Wednesday, June 30, 2004


I gotta get a laptop soon. Nothing fancy. Just enough for me to remotely blog... Maybe a cdrom drive and enough hard drive space to store some songs. Oh, and a USB drive. Sound card and floppy drive are a given. I could even taste the things I can do with it.

I spent my lying around dreaming about having one. I even answered an ad that was selling a 10,000-peso laptop. I'm still thinking about it.

Maybe I'll go back in my state of trance. I might even get to press a key.

Friday, June 25, 2004

You're free you will always be
as a sand on a boundless earth
you will be
untangled, nothing on, none beneath

Time will be your only judge
not fate
for you know you are your master
no a soul
not thee, will your being be altered

slow songs shall dance
following your feet, widening smiles
no wrongs
pure, unflinching honestly flies

unchained, nothing on, none beneath...

My Secret Identity

In line with the trip down old shows lane I would like to add another show I haven't found another soul that shares my enthusiasm with. I think all these shows I watched in an early age molded me into this... er, comic individual. I'm a sucker for romance. (the background on my desktop is dawson's creek, need I say more?"

Back in the time where I was alone, meaning not having any girlfriend, I always believed in hopeless romanticism. I actually missed the feeling of butterflies on one's stomach when that "someone" passes by or even the thought of. Sigh. Acting on it only leads to spectrums of emotions and repercussions.

Anyhoo, I remember this show when I was around 8, or was it 9? It was a very young Jerry O'Connell. The show was My Secret Identity. The think I liked on this show was that it was one of those superheroes that hides their identities. Come to think of it, don't they all? The thing is, he's just a teenager. I always wanted to have some mediocre power I can use to hide myself sometimes. HELLO?? Earth to Gibbs. Come in Gibbs! Pfft.

It was about Jerry as Andrew Clements. An average high-school student. By saying average I mean a nobody. You know how it was to be a nobody in high-school right? Or no. Whatever. He stumbled one day in the lab of his next door neighbor who, in a freakish coincidence, is a scientist. I forgot how he entered the lab in the first place but he tampered with some sort of gadget with a lot of goop and it gave him superpowers. Not the typical powers that other cardboard cutouts have. He can fly yes, but he has to use air sprays. He IS that light. He has speed too and a little strength. (What's new right?)

The first part of the show was about him coping up with his powers and helping fight bad guys. The latter part of the show was about dealing with real life's situations that requires him to be a normal person. This is where I like it the most. Him dealing with the opposite sex. He plays a good dork. Kinda reminds of Duckie.

Here's the song so you'll get a good kick on the show. Too bad they didn't do any reruns on it. I'm sure to be in tune to it today and even if they start showing it when I'm 40.

This is better than my imagination.
This is more than a dream come true.
Without the slightest bit of hesitation,
I knew what I was meant to do.
You'll never guess my secret identity.
Who's on the inside hiding out?
You never know what you'll see,
when you unlock a mystery.
Sometimes this double life gets outta hand.
For if you see trouble coming,
I'm your man.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

lightning crashes

One of my bestfriends, Bolan, loves the band LIVE. I only got to like them because he plays them every freaking day in our room. We were roommates back in Pampanga. I wonder how he's doin now.

Anyway, I'm listening to one of the band's songs now. It's one of their works that I love the most. I dunno what is with this band but their songs have immensely deep meanings. When we were drinking, we sing this on top of our lungs with a guitar. God! Those were the times! I really need to see them soon.


Lightning crashes was written in memory of Barbara Lewis, a classmate who was killed by a drunk driver in 1993.

oh now feel it comin' back again
like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
i can feel it.

Let it sink... It's beautiful. (Thank you, Bas, for introducing me to this enchanting melody.)

and now she's moving

Yes, now she's moving.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Lord, I need patience. Now.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

not good...

Me and my girlfriend had (have) a little problem. It was my fault actually. I was checking out the phone of his brother that she swapped with temporarily. My curiosity lead me in locking the phone's keypad. Little did I know that the phone has a password for the keypad to be unlocked. It was one of those Motorola Communicators. Suffice to say that it ended bad. Now she doesn't want to talk to me. She can't check her messages. I offered some suggestions, with me offering my phone for her to use but to no avail. It was worth the try and my intentions were nothing short of honorable. But she cannot be reasoned with.

This lead me in a deep thought about mistakes. It would take some time before I can learn the rare art of handling her temper. It brought me closer to God though. If she'd ever have the chance to read this I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me.

But then again, it gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "blewing a short story into a scene of epic proportions." Not that I have anything in defense.

Get the picture?

Monday, June 21, 2004

Perfect Strangers

Me and my collegues were reminiscing old tv series and cartoons. I suddenly had a feeling of nostalgia over my childhood "couch potato" life.
I suddenly remembered a particular tv series that captured my young comic mind.

Perfect Strangers.

It's about Balki Bartokomous which came from the Isle of Mypos to Chicago and live with his cousin, Larry Appleton. Balki is not your normal guy from the city. Hell, he's not even your normal guy on every angle. That's what makes them so different. Larry is this business-like, no-nonsense employee on the Chicago Chronicle. I feel sad that most of the people I know doesn't know the show.

Anyhoo, I was able to search for the theme song of Perfect Strangers which was sang by David Pomeranz. I was able to find it and hear it for the nth time. It brought smile to my pimpled face.

Here is the lyrics of the song and if you know it, sing with me ok? And a ONE and TWO and a...

Sometimes the world is perfect
nothin' to rearrange..
Sometimes you just
get a feeling like you need some kind of change.
Standing tall
on the wings of my dreams.
Rise and fall
on the wings of my dreams.
Rain and thunder,
Wind and haze--I was bound for better days.
It's my life,
and my dream.
And nothing's gonna stop me now.

Sunday, June 20, 2004


I think God purposely created our hearts that they may contain emotional wounds longer than our minds can, so it may be stronger, more fortified. Ready for any new beginnings. Ready for fresh scars.

Time for a new look.

Well, in my blog perhaps. My physical attributes borders hopeless. So this my new blog look. I'll try to put all the other shit I placed on my old blog site. The timer will start from one again. Sigh... Somehow, this feels like a big thing for me.

But then again, all acts have stories behind them right?

Ciao for now.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Just want to share these notes...

Keep these and keep well

You are what you eat, and what you don't eat. Similarly, life depends on what you keep and what you don't keep. There are many things in life that people may keep but only a few are truly worth keeping. Here is a list of what to keep and how to keep yourself for a brighter, happier and more fulfilling life.

22 Things To Keep

Keep calm. Life can be unnerving and if you don't make an effort to keep collected and focused, you could easily lose your cool. Take regular, conscious deep breaths to calm and center yourself.

Keep your chin up. Not only is it good for your posture and diminishes your double chin, it also helps you maintain an "I can handle it" attitude. By keeping your chin up, you can keep your head above water.

Keep your spirits high. Always maintain a positive and joyful attitude. Remember that no one can perk you up like you yourself can. Keep your spirits high when the going gets rough by focusing on your dreams and counting your blessings.

Keep your word. The true measure of a man is if he keeps his word. Honorable and trustworthy is the man who stands by what he says and promises. It is important to think well before speaking because once a word is uttered and released into the universe, its vibrations could no longer be erased.

Keep in time with your inner drummer. Don't be swayed by others into following the confusing beat of their drums. Although it is sometimes necessary to adjust to the pace of others, it is best to keep in step with your personal rhythm and dance to your own music.

Keep in touch with the child in you. The source of creativity in your life is that little child within you. He questions, he marvels, he imagines and invents. Stay in touch with him, and be young and creative for life!

Keep abreast with the times. The world is moving so fast. Know what's happening, what's in style, what's au courant, what's relevant, what's important. Learn the hottest trends and the latest in technology. Don't be caught in a time warp or you'll be left behind.

Keep in shape. Your shape shows your state of health. Your body is the vessel that you journey through life in. Keep it healthy and strong. Don't be one of those people who say, "I'm in shape; round is a shape!"

Keep your mouth shut. People talk too much. We language ourselves to our own destruction and defeat. Know when to talk and when to shut up. Avoid being verbose. Oftentimes, silence speaks more eloquently than words.

Keep good friends. Good friends are hard to find. Nurture friendships that make your plight through life easier, more meaningful and wonderful. Truly poor is the man who has no good friends.

Keep great memories, not heavy objects. In the very end, good memories of life are what we will be left with, not jewels and riches that we couldn't bring when we finally go. Live each moment beautifully. Linked together, these magical moments create a magnificent life.

Keep a diary. Writing a journal is therapeutic. Record the important events in your life, your dreams and aspirations, even your failures and disappointments. When you trace back events in your life, you are bound to learn lessons from them as well as find great inspiration and strength.

Keep saying grace and thanks. Blessed is he who says grace before he eats and gives thanks for all the gifts he receives daily. Maintain a thankful attitude and focus on your blessings instead of disappointments.

Keep on moving forward. The universe moves forward in time. Don't get stuck in the past; make an effort to move ahead to a better life. Drop those unnecessary pieces of material and emotional baggage that weigh you down and keep you from flying to your loftiest dreams.

Keep out of danger. He who exposes himself to danger finds it. Don't court danger; avoid it. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Look out for number one (that's you!), and always stay safe and sound.

Keep up the good work. Success is built upon success. The more you do, the more you achieve; the more you achieve, the better you get at doing it. Make success a habit by keeping up the good work.

Keep young. Do everything in your power to stay strong, supple and youthful. Think young; feel young. A wise man once said "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Remember that age is a number and that youth is an attitude.

Keep on dancing. Life is a dance through space and time. Embellish whatever music life plays for you with your own fresh orchestration and creative choreography. Be excited in your heart and keep your feet light with happiness.

Keep on loving. Love is the reason we were created. Love diminishes when hoarded but multiplies when shared. Give it and feel it overflow in your heart. Love cures all sadness, pain and sorrow. Lonely is he who does not
give love away and therefore gets none in return.

Keep on dreaming. Most men, even if they are young, are dead that is, if they could no longer dream. Our dreams are what keep us young and alive; they give us that sparkle in our eyes. Our dreams keep us going even while
everything around us says, "Stop."

Keep on hoping. Never lose hope. Tomorrow will be another day that will bring new hope and greater blessings. Keep faith in the abundance of the universe and the mystery and perfection of life. Hope for nothing but the best and that's what you will be granted.

Keep on believing. Belief is the mother of reality. What you believe becomes your truth. Believe in yourself, believe in the magic of the universe, believe in the power of your dreams. And most of all, believe you can do it, so you can have all your heart's desires!

These You Must Not Keep

Don't keep up with the Joneses. Just because your neighbor bought a red Ferrari, you, too, must get one. Don't join the bandwagon and keep away from being one with the herd. Too much unhappiness in this world is caused by comparisons ^ comparing yourself and trying to measure up with other
people. There is really no need to live up to others' expectations if it would just bring you inconvenience and misery.

Don't keep issues and grudges. The reason most of us stay miserable is because we keep issues, grudges, and problems. Detox yourself of complaints and issues that keep you from being the best that you could be. Try to solve all problems that beset you; never leave anything unresolved. The questions and puzzles of life are what make it challenging and

Don't keep resentments and memories of painful experiences. Life is not a bed of roses so you must learn to let go of negative feelings and memories of painful experiences. It's hard to go on living with a heavy heart.
Pardon, forgive, forget if you can, and move on.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Aloysius Snuffleupagus.

My girlfriend and I was having a healthy "Jologs" quiz to size up our aptitude on the lighter side of knowledge on facts. Now, this quiz is not to make us certified "Jologs" but just to pass up time. (or so I would like to believe to be)

Then we reached a question that shooked the inner labyrinths of my mind.

"Who is the elephant-like creature in sesame street."

I always considered myself as a sesame street boy and so I answered "Snuffleupagus".

"What's his first name?"

"His what?!" (don't want to use the "it" of course, we're not talking about big bird)

"His first name." She mentioned that it was a big question on the famous game show - "Who want's to be a millionaire?".

I started speaking in tongues. Do muppets in sesame street have first name and last names? (with the exemption of Oscar the grouch) If so, does that mean that Big Bird's first name is "Big"? Don't even get me started with Cookie Monster.

It was Aloysius! Do any of you know that??? ANSWER ME!

Well, it was just one of those days where you thought you knew something when you were wrong all along... But this one takes the cake. I mean, I started watching sesame street when I started recognizing color palettes. sigh.

Next thing I know, Mario and Luigi have lastnames. Pfft!... They don't right?

Saturday, June 05, 2004

I just got a memo for my incompetence. Pfft.

I thought that because I love to talk and talk and talk to the point of rambling, I would do great in phone support. Turns out, I don't like it. I mean, I'm not bad at it, I just don't like it. Hell, I was one of the best in my batch not that it's any consolation here.

Going back to my memo... I got one because of patterned absences. Me... Absent. What have we learned so far kids?

I made a promise not to do the same actions again as it doesn't make me look good as a probationary employee. Then fire meeehh!!!
I don't give a rat's ass.

I keep on thinking I still want to persue writing. Professional writing. I'm reading "An introduction to Literature" currently. By currently, I mean the act of reading and not the book's release for it's waaaay older. It was published in the 1970's.

1970's. Wow... I got an antique book! Cool.

...who got a memo?

Friday, June 04, 2004

When people say that they are busy, (i.e. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to reply to your message, I was busy) I think it's usually BS. I mean, the only time you are allowed to say you are or was "busy" is when you try to hide something that you don't like the other person to know. Cases like surprise parties/gifts/favor or a situation that would make the other person worry about you if they knew what it was. (usually just in movies...)

Why can't one say, "I'm sorry if I wasn't able to return your messages because I was tied up at work." Other alternatives would be - "I had a vasectomy" or "I was in a coma and I cannot wiggle my big toe." Okay, those may be a little extreme. Try a little honesty...

"I was adjusting to my new work."
"I was a little excited and psyched in arranging my new place."
"I was reviewing and preparing for my big presentation."
Hell, even "I'm becoming serious with this new girl I met." is plausible.

Last rant would be, "I was preoccupied with (whatever) at the moment." and "I had a lot of things on my mind that time" borders asinine. THOSE will make you want to breathe fire on anyone within a 50-meter radius. (cringe)