Thursday, July 31, 2003

I'm happy today. Don't ask me why. Just leave it at that.

I will be cutting my blogging really short so I may enjoy more this newly found euphoria.


Tuesday, July 29, 2003

help me, Almighty Zeus, heed thee
the woes of your humble servant
everything is dark beyond thy path
You blessed me before, stop their wrath

Take me away, would thee take ear
'tis just now I see the sun's beauty
but why are my eyes still so sore
to understand is to quench, no more

In this land, there is a Zion
which I'm bound come the morrow
a wish to see the star I named
to be saved from wherest I became

my celebration I owe to your highness
just listening to this rant, i am in aid
I rest for now and sing my praises
to the star I named, my pain does fade

the star I named


Monday, July 28, 2003

I've been telling this joke for a while now but mostly, all I get is an opposing view. I think its really funny. I heard it on Friends, the TV series. I'll try to deliver it here with hope that it gets the reaction it deserves.

"Donald Duck never wears pants... But when he comes out of the shower, he puts a towel around his waist. What is that about?"


Now this is really good. At least people still value the potentials of the hearing impaired. The caption is correct when it said: "It sounds like an oxymoron: a deaf musical."
A B'way musical that features the Deaf.

There's gotta be a name for someone who likes to argue. Well, whatever that is, I'm it.

I never knew that I was till a friend of mine told me. She told me there's nothing wrong with being opinionated but some people might not appreciate it. I understood and accepted the fact that she's right. I gotta minimize that. It's just, sometimes, I thought that if I happen to make a normal conversation into a lively discussion of any stuff, one might find it much more interesting. I was wrong. At least I learned something right? Wish me luck. I'll probably need it.

Some things are clearing up in my life and I am feeling really good these days. We all have sacrifices that we still keep on giving despite uncertainties of it paying off. Who says life is fair?
Everybody's life is scary, sad and, for lack of a better word, bites. Most times, they vary in both extremes and you feel they are ganging up on you. But in between of those is what's really worth it.

Did you know that the natural oils of your hair comes out at night that's why it looks shiny under fluorescent lights? Just want to share that. I just learned it last night.

I am relieved that the mutineers have ceased to continue their display of grievance to the government. I'm even relieved that no blood was spilled out of the debacle. Sometimes, if you really think deeper from what you see on TV, you can conjure up a conspiracy out of it. "It's all political", an opinionated friend of mine puts it. Whatever that is, I leave to you.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

"There is absolutely no justification for the actions you have taken, You have already defamed the uniform. Do not drench it with dishonor."

Words from our President as addressed to the Mutineers in the country that started just last night. Yes we were flabbergasted, to say the least, with the news. It's just a freakish coincidence that me and my workmates were just talking about the life in the military yesterday afternoon. Better read to get hooked on the issue.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

I had my off yesterday and went to the "Bisperas" I was telling you (whoever you are) about. Bisperas is the day before the fiesta. I went home around 11 AM and of course there's no food yet, just preparations here and there. The smell of pork and soy sauce in the air is intoxicating. I had to get out of there. I took a usual tour in the old house and reminisced a little from my childhood. Not to sound too sentimental but the doors look smaller. (yes, i know, I know.. I got bigger. geez) After that, I decided to visit my old friends. Fortunately, they weren't that busy. They are actually lying around. We went to a usual "Kubo" where we used to hang around before. A clear view of Mt. Arayat. It is so refreshing to see that some things haven't changed. We had some softdrinks and lot's of stories, updates and laughs. There's mass at 6:00 so we separated around 5 PM to prepare. Luckily, there's food at home and I was able to eat. We entered the church and I can't help by smile seeing the place. It's where I grew for most part of my life. We stayed next to the choir place for I one before. I sang with them, still knowing the particular parts of the Bass position. I was having the time of my life! Right after the mass, I was greeting some elders and I got a unanimous remark. "You've grown bigger". I became numb with the remark after getting some. We went outside to catch a raffle they do every year. We didn't win nor did we expect to.

After that we decided to skip the other parts of the show and go home. Of course we ate again. We walked and went to the "mini carnivals". We call them "Perya" here. Then went back to the town proper to watch some bands perform. I'll cut the band part for they didn't appreciate it that well. They sang songs that weren't that popular to my friends.

A friend texted me and asked me if I was in town. I replied yes and she wanted to meet. We haven't talked for 7 or more years but we were close before. She was my first crush in our town. I never proceeded for do anything about it for she was one of those "untouchables". Friends that no matter how perfect they are, you can't cross the friendship wall. I was okay with it. Plus, I was a dork before. Sigh. My original companions were expressing tiredness and we aggreed to call it a night and just meet tomorrow. We separated and I went straight to Bok's house. Yes, her name is Bok. We were so excited to see each other and we started to exchange stories. It turns out that her relationship with another friend of mine just ended. She was a little sad about it. I listened intently whilst I'm remembering all I can about her. We didn't know each other till we worked together in a theather presentation. She was an exceptional actress amongst other things. She finished her story and we discussed further what happened. Why and how.

We talked more about everything, life and everything in between. We revealed things that were kept during those years that we were not that open minded. She's a great friend and I miss her everytime I go home. For two people who haven't talked that long, we certainly seem like we never separated that long. She told me she loved talking to me even way before. I honestly didn't know. I never heard such phrase since my EX told me that and I knew the latter didn't mean it the way Bok did. I was paranoid about everything. Especially since I placed her in a high pedestal I will never reach. I was wrong to put her there. She was like me, only feminine. We heard the sound of the church radio which means it's 4:00 already. I told her it's time to say our goodbyes and we decided not to get our phone numbers for it will spoil the special thing about no communication till we just meet one day. We're probably be both married with our own families by then. I went back to Angeles after that but I'll remember that night for a long time. I text my other friends and said my apologies for leaving town early.

I felt really good about myself and believed that friends never actually go. They will always be there and you may be different persons when you meet again but your friendship will always stay.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

We were swarmed with work yesterday that's why I wasn't able to blog. Anyway, it happens very rare so it's not something to vent from.


I think I have the dullest fashion sense. That is, if I ever have any sense if. I haven't been that keen on what I wear. The problem is, when I try to be aware of it, say, I picked a shirt to match my pants or shoes, or I went into a store and bought an item of clothing that I thought will look fine on me - THE WORSE IT GETS. I am not exposed to shopping for clothes for my sister does it when she was here. I figured, I ought to learn how. Of course, since this has been going on since like, ever, I don't mind it. Makes it even hard to accept compliments regarding my get up. Geez... Pathetic.

I had a friend that told me I should be aware of my physical wrapping for it reflects my personality as well. I didn't exactly followed it immediately but I thought, what the hell - it beats sitting at home every freaking day and trying to create your own parallel universe.

Watch out Zoolander!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The weather is getting a bit bad the previous days. There's a typhoon that concentrated in Northern Luzon resulting to strong rain and wind. Very condusive to sleeping though. "Hibernating" as a friend of mine puts it. Contrary to most peoples' preference, I don't like to stay home at these weather types.

At least the sun is shining now. Something poetic about the weather. On second thought, there's poetry in everything. :-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Last night is one of those "Complete Nights". Work wasn't that toxic, I was able to blog, ate good food, had a chuckie, and ate pancit canton after work. Haven't had some in a while.

But the highlight of it was I was able to talk to an extremely sensible, witty and sometimes, sarcastic friend. I had those so called "Brain Drain". That's when you are left with nothing funny or witty remark to utter. It's all new to me and at the same time, interesting. Haven't met someone like that. It's like my defences just go down and leaves me rambling incessantly. Much more surprising is I was grinning on my way home. I even got a Pik-Nik. That person is gonna kill me. ;-)

Monday, July 21, 2003

I was shoeing an hour ago and I remembered the feast of my old hometown is getting near. I missed the feast. It's "Fiesta" in tagalog. The best part for me is the day before the fiesta. It's where us, the townfolks, have time to enjoy the festivities without much guests. We cook what we can out of the prepared ingredients but we prefer to call it "Sampling" so we won't look as if we had our own buffet. We'll talk from afternoon till night about plans for the big day. Questions like:

Who do you think will come?
What food to serve first?
Who will do the dishes?
Is the ice enough?
Is the charcoal enough?
Should we ask Linda to help in cooking?
Are we done with the charcoal?

After covering more questions than I care to think about, we can say that we are all set. A little knick knacks and we are out of the house for the stage shows. If you haven't seen the Barrio style of stage shows... you're not exactly missing much. But to us, it's the highlight of our day. It's an array of comedians, circus freaks, magicians, singers and a lot more people we don't know who would do almost anything for 10 minutes of fame and small dough. But there's these local performers that are well know in our province. Even my father and uncles watched them before. One of them is Totoy Bato. This guy is like Dolphy in our town. Even better. He has a lot of songs that will tickle your funnybones. You should know Kapampangan to understand most his songs. We even record his performances on tape. Cassettes that is. Other performers include, Haring Solomon singer Boy Sullivan, The PorkChop duo (you probably know them), and a band that are composed of Priests of different parishes in the province. They call themselves the "Among Band". And no, they don't sing church songs for that will be ridiculous.

You probably think I'm a little too "townie". Well, that's the different side of me. My heart belongs to that old town where the air is cool and sunsets can be viewed anywhere in the open field. Where everybody knows you and you to them. Where the church, school and the market are only a few blocks away. You can stay on the rooftop and gaze at the wide open sky. We run and play in the rain, check out gutters with large amounts of water flowing so we can follow the water and let it flow on our heads, eventually laugh because it tickles our scalps. I miss that town and I'll come home to it in a few days.

And to think this all started with putting on a shoe...

Saturday, July 19, 2003

I have decided to abdicate smoking. I'm not trying to be a prude or a "holier-than-thou" but I figured I ought to change some things in myself. I may have been a little damaged after all that I have been through. I'm pretty gullible in case you didn't know. Anyway, I'm doing it one day at a time. But there are days that I still feel like reaching for my friend's pack, lighting it, and blow smoke till the cows come back. I guess the best motivation I can ever have is another person.

Life is changed, not taken away.
- Hope for the Flowers

I guess I've outgrown my "couch potato" stage. I had it when I was still on grade school. I watch much TV at a very early age. I still remember some shows that some friends don't know existed. My first taste of TV fun may have been Sesame Street. I had friends ask me on where I got my English fluency. My immediate and consistent answer is Sesame Street. I watch it every day and know all characters by heart. I can even recite some lines from the show. My current personality is a mixture of all characters. Even Oscar the grouch but I hide him as much as I can. After getting saturated with the comical characters, I shifted to what I consider, my own tv show. The Wonder Years. As you have guessed, I am Kevin Arnold. (hey! it's my show remember?) The show is about a young boy living his life through the rigors of childhood. (i.e. parents, school, friends, girls etc) The part I like is the voice-over. The thoughts on Kevin head are narrated by a guy. Sounds like he's in the late 20s. Oh, and Winnie Cooper is soooo cute. I still have goosebumps and smiles at the scenes of Kevin and Winnie. They are so innocent and romantic. Call me cheezy, I don't care. Every episode teaches me things I will have trouble learning outside for I wasn't allowed to go outside much. Part of me still aches why I have to be subjected to such.

After the show was removed from the basic channels, I found Doogie. Douglas "Doogie" Howser M.D. Now there's a smart kid. He graduated Medicine by the age of 16. (It's fiction people!) At the age of 14, he delivered a baby in a shopping mall. I can still hear the opening sounds of the show. It was a break for nickelodeon boy Neil Patrick Harris. My sister joined me at this point. She likes Vinnie. Vincent "vinnie" Delpino. He's funny. He's the one responsible for keeping Doogie in touch with his age apart from the Professional medicine world. The highlight for me is the ending of the show where Doogie enters thoughts in his computer as reflected from his day. They were so profound and a little witty.

There are a helluva lot of TV shows that took a huge part and influence in my childhood to pre-adolescence. If I blogged about them, you'll have to be sedated afterwards. ;-)

Growing up happens in a heartbeat.
One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone.
But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.
I remember a place...a town...a a lot of houses...
A yard like alot of other yards...
On a street like a lot of other streets.
And the thing is...after all these years, I still look back...with wonder.
- The Wonder Years

Seasons by Elton John
"For our world, the circle turns again
Throughout the year we've seen the seasons change
It's meant a lot to me to start anew
Oh the winter's cold but I'm so warm with you
Out there there's not a sound to be heard
And the seasons seem to sleep upon their words
As the waters freeze up with the summer's end "

Tell me no more of minds embracing minds,
And hearts exchang'd for hearts;
That spirits spirits meet, as winds do winds,
And mix their subt'lest parts:
That two unbodied essences may kiss,
And then like angels, twist and feel one bliss.

I was that silly thing that once was wrought
To practise this thin love:
I climb'd from sex to soul, from soul to thought;
But thinking there to move,
Headlong I roll'd from thought to soul, and then
From soul I lighted at the sex agen.

As some strict down-look'd men pretend to fast,
Who yet in closets eat;
So lovers who profess they spirits taste,
Feed yet on grosser meat;
I know they boast they souls to souls convey,
Howe'er they meet, the body is the way.

Come, I will undeceive thee; they that tread
Those vain aerial ways,
Are like young heirs and ahlchymists misled
To waste their wealth and days,
For searching thus to be for ever rich,
They only find a med'cine for the itch.

No Platonic Love
by William Cartwright

Friday, July 18, 2003

I.. AM.. Baaaaack. (cue the fireworks!)

Or, you can cut the fireworks part for I'm not feeling my best today. Last night was a blast for me. I had a great long day. Last thing I wanted was to sleep on it and further extend the smile on my face. But the problem started when I reached home. We had some friends over the house and they slept on our bed. I had no choice but to crash on our bamboo sala set. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against bamboo sala sets but, the fan is not in any rotating distance close to me. In fact, I'm right at the back of it. It's acting as a suction fan rather than a normal blowing fan. Trust me, it's not that comforting.

I didn't sleep again which is a small torture when you are trying to quit smoking. I got through the morning fine. Maybe, I'm just a little tired from the day before. I did have a long day.

Anyhoo, I'm through with updates. A friend of mine asked me a question: In line with my beliefs and what not, do I consider myself a conservative (person)? Now these are the questions I don't hear everyday. However, it intrigued me as well. I want to find out what my answer would be. (there's something redundant about the sentence back there)

I guess I answered very vaguely when it was asked. I haven't given it much thought. I found myself talking about how I grew up with women in our old house. Maybe that's the only clear answer I can come up with. What I got with such an environment in my impressionable years was being instilled with respect to women. Huge, to the point I fear them at times. I guess, the consolation is that I was able to understand them a little better. When I started grade school, all my close friends are girls and I'm the only boy. I was cooed to be gay. It didn't last long though.

Now, I finally know what I am as per the pending question. I'm partly conservative. I still have remnants of how I used to live in our small town. I love that small town. We do things primitively as compared to nearby developed towns. It was how we lived until I started college.

I'm also partly radical. I can easily adapt to drastic changes away from what I learned. As long as they still remain un-damaging one way or the other. I have developed an open mind about things that are beyond my knowledge. I'm glad I did.

I guess, that's how I can answer the question. It made me think hard but it did make me aware of myself and what my stand is on the subject. Kudos to my friend who asked me that. I'm always looking forward to our next repartee. ;-)

Monday, July 14, 2003

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."

Those words came from Vincent Van Gogh. Am sure you have about this post-impressionist painter. Oh, he's Dutch by the way. We can all relate to Don Mclean's song entitled Vincent which the composer dedicated to the said painter. The opening lines, if my memory serves me right, are:

Starry starry night,
paint your pallete blue and grey.
Look out on a summer's day,
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.

If you have seen the painting, Starry Night, the lyrics are the description of the painting itself. Here's a sample of the painting.

The painting is considered to be his greatest work. Probably because up until now, the painting is hard to understand. Understand what Van Gogh was feeling when he created the masterpiece.

In an article about his painting, it states as follows:

Starry Night was painted while Vincent was in the asylum at Saint-Rémy and his behaviour was very erratic at the time, due to the severity of his attacks. Unlike most of Van Gogh's works, Starry Night was painted from memory and not outdoors as was Vincent's preference. This may, in part, explain why the emotional impact of the work is so much more powerful than many of Van Gogh's other works from the same period.

Too bad he developed a mild manic depression and schizophrenia, product of his brilliance leading to cutting his own ear. But the suspected sickness mentioned above is not the reason he cut off his ear. He was diagnosed with Meniere's disease, a condition caused by an increase in the amount of fluid in the canals of the inner ear that control a person's balance.

But that's not my point. (hehe, oh, ahem). I found this article about researchers solving one of the world's most myterious painting in art history. The painting is Vincent van Gogh's "Moonrise".

"And now I think I know
what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they're not
list'ning still
perhaps they never will"

Au Revoir!

I'm a little lethargic while blogging today so please bear with me. Well, it's not exactly that you'll notice it or anything but.. nah. Forget it. (sigh)

I had a nice day today. Nice being the operative word. I dunno why people underestimate the power of the word "Nice". For me, Nice is everything. It embodies all the necessary factors to effect the subject and take it closer to perfection. It's a very common adjective that everybody uses on a daily basis. It's like using "Cool." Cool is a little bit hip and I'm not so, I don't use it much.

However, for some situations, Nice or Cool can be mistakenly vague. For instance, "what do you think of the house?", "It's nice" It's normal that the person who asked is expecting an answer with a little more oomph. But the answer is the closest the other person can give.

Enough of "Nice"-Dissertation 101. I had brunch with a friend of mine this morning. I picked her up a little earlier than agreed and I regret it for it just made her rush. She was so refreshing to see nonetheless. A sight for sore eyes. About roughly 20 -25 mins, we were in Angeles proper walking straight to the mall. Now, I haven't been in this mall even if was operating for 8 months and running. She said she'd give me a tour. I smiled and took the pleasure. We strolled every inch of the mall, (it's not that big anyway) and went to a KFC branch. We were both eyeing on the comfortable seats but they were occupied. We strolled more hoping they would be vacated when we get back. Odessey was our next spot, we scanned some VCDs and chatting whilst we do. I love those moments. Record bars always brings up a good time. Well for me at least.

The comfortable seats are still not empty so we agreed to eat at another branch just a few blocks from the mall. We ate and talked about other stuff. She asked me about my past relationship which caught me off-guard. Nevertheless, I caved and answered them with utmost candidness. It's been a while since I thought about them but just as I said to her, they were trivial. We had laughs here and there till it was almost time for me to go to work. I accompanied her to the mall entrance and hopped in the jeep bound for Clark. Now I'm here at work, fully awake and crossing my fingers that I can come by her place later tonight.

There is truth in Fiction and there is Fiction in truth.

Au revoir.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Drag Racing last night bit there's not much action. Our opponents backed out. I dunno why. So I won't dwell much on that part. I have a collegue here are work that has a boyfriend who's into Drag Racing as well. Last night, while we were strolling back to our usual place, we found them in a little argument. It turns out that the guy prepared a surprised birthday party for his girl. He bought all the necessary food to be prepared and called all his and her friends for the occasion. The date he knows is July 16. Now, here comes the problem. Well, the date is a little wrong. In fact its two months early! The actualy birthday date is September 16. And the fight begins!

Eventually the girl understood, or I think she did. I would just like to point out that the guy's fault here is not that big. I mean, just think about the effort he gave to throw a surprise party for her girl. The date is of minimal point in the story. I'm not saying the guy is any innocent for timing is so important for girls. At least, I believe it is based on my share of lack of it.

Saturday, July 12, 2003

I posted the previous soliloquy because a friend of mine became a father of a new born baby girl. From the other father's I have previously talked to or heard of, they have a unanimous feeling. An ecstatic, scary, fulfilling and tremendously extraordinary feeling of responsibility and excitement to upbring a human being, instilling what you believe is right and wrong. (pant! pant!)

I wonder when I'll be ready for such challenge. Or if I will ever be given the chance...

Thursday, July 10, 2003

I wonder what it feels to be a father of a new born baby.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

"If there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? Of course! The Globetrotters!


I'm on a Ghostbusters hype today. I missed the cartoon. I'm always Egon. (whoa, what a geek!) Egon Spengler played by Harold Ramis on the movie. I didn't enjoy the movie that much because I'm still swamped with the cartoon version. I can still hear Egon's cracky voice and clever scientific speaking. It's funny when he makes blunt remarks that makes his partners roll their eyes. Hey! Cut the guy some slack will yah?He invented this...

                       The Ghost Trap.

I don't want to sound like a high-school nerd but these gadgets are sooo cool. And to think I still know them right now doesn't do well for my reputation. Like I can gloat to my friends on a casual conversation - "Do you guys still remember what the PKE Meter looks like?". I'm lucky if they don't shiver in disgust. It's just sad.

Oh, by the way, in case you want to remember what a PKE Meter looks like, here's a glimpse.


At the risk of sounding geeky and with minimal redundancy, the PKE Meter stands for Psyco-Kinetic Energy Meter. It is used to find traces of PKE left by the ghost. (Egon's voice)

Ahem... I'm shutting up now. (sigh)

If you're a movie fan like most people are, you're probably in and out of cinema's once a week.. or more. Doing personal reviews and critiquing. On the other hand, if you have a pathologically-compulsive, internet unbundant, short-budgeted, movie-maniac disorder, you can resort to online scripts.

Just in case you missed some quotes or lines that you are in dire need to come back to, worse, memorize. Stop pointing fingers please. I'm guilty as charged.

Just a vocabulary tip to you guys. I spent the most part of my day yesterday thinking of this word. I searched everywhere in the internet but cannot find it. The word is PANACHE. But the airhead that I am, I spelled it "Penache". And get this, I don't want to accept those "do you mean 'panache' " verifications. I'm a little stubborn sometimes. (you can't help me)

Anyway, the meaning of the word is : Vitality; liveliness. Archaic. Aptitude; talent.

I came across the word while I was reading a book or something from the internet. It's not that new to me but I never bothered to search for it's meaning either. Now I do. So, that's my Vocabulary tip / Word Power for today. May you use it well. Just don't forget that great power comes with great responsibilities. (whooosh!)

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

The Famous Siamese twins from Peru we keep hearing on the new that risked their lives for hope of having their individuality, died. Sigh. The price you have to pay for wishing you control your own life and everything in it. God has his reasons. My prayers are with them.

I'm doing an article about what constitutes a bad day. (Sorry tito bert if my article for this week is lacking oomph) I solicited some inputs from the most elite people I can get it from - my workmates. You will be surprised on what they have to say.

Francis:a bad day for me is actually encountering a serious of horrible mishaps, ranging from a personal dilemma involving past relationships to the unexpected public humiliation - series, in the sense that one incident comes immediately right after the other :)

Jomel:if i'm off to work and find my hair gel is missing from where i used to put it. this'll piss me off big time! (what?)

Lester:Not getting my adequate sleep. The others are self explanatory.

Kieth:something missing from your daily routine, like everything got really different or you missed one single step from what you usually do. Waking up from the wrong side of the bed.

Kiko:Do you ever wonder why it is that you never complete everything you need to do in a day? You go to work, ready to do what needs to be done ready to do the "right thing" and at the end of the day you're still wondering why your entire "to do" list is the same as it was in the morning.

Well, this might never happen to you, but it certainly happens to everyone else, including me. I always have the best of intentions.

Wills:If you have important appointment/date and expecting that you have a lot of budget coz it is payday, suddenly while on the ATM machine, your card was captured and the guard on duty ask you to go back on Monday to get it, which you need to wait for about two days because it was Friday....

Rod:There should'nt be a bad day, to be enjoy life to its finest you should make all your days a good one no matter what is the situation or case. Remember focus on the positive side, and not on the negative. take the message from WPD, there is an upside on that situation. Just look on the positive side.

Manuel:What constitutes a bad day would depend on how the person would look at it. Bad days, are those days when you feel depressed about things that you're not supposed to even care about. With all the things that is happening in your life, do you ever stop to think if you're having a bad day or or not. Of course not, you continue moving on and maybe once in a while stop to think about it....

Well, I don't consider any not so good day as a bad day neither if something goes wrong at the start of the day or things don't along my way during a day... I don't let these things (negative) things ruine the entire day. Yes, negative things may affect the day but that does not mean that that day should be bad for me.

Each day has three stages morning, afternoon and evening. A message I once read says " Morning is God's way of saying ONE MORE TIME. Afternoon he proves, "YOU CAN DO IT." Evening, He reassures, "THERE'S STILL TOMORROW."

There you have it folks! A collection of "not-so-subtle" sentiments from a group of selected individuals on what contitutes a bad day. If you ask me, by default, everyday is a bad day. Only the Upsides are the ones I count. But as long as I see stars at night, my day can't be any worse.

Au revoir!

What do we call unsolicited emails?... Right you are. But, we have apparently, forgot about another tasty entity of the same name. Mmmmmm...

I've made some research and thanks to Brad Templeton, I learned that the first email spam sent was done in May 3, 1978. That was 25 years ago. I wasn't even born yet and they are sending spam. Geez. And get this, it was written on May 1 but sent on the 3rd. Pretty cool huh?

Anyhoo, to stop my mouth from smothering my computer screen, the other namesake I was referring to is SPiced hAM or Shoulder Pork and hAM which, I have just learned that a while ago. Don't look at me like that! I just eat the damn thing. Moving on. If you're wondering how they got the same name, allow me to divulge more on Brad's article.

The trouble began about six months ago when Spam Arrest, which specializes in blocking junk e-mail or spam, filed papers to trademark its corporate name.
Hormel sent the company a warning, telling it to drop its use of Spam, which is trademark-protected. Spam Arrest refused.

"If you ask most people on the street, they're going to say junk e-mail as opposed to the luncheon meat as their first description of what spam is. I think they're overstepping their bounds," said Brian Cartmell, chief executive of Spam Arrest. (CNN Reports)

What are Hormel's chances? The hard part is that Hormel has protected and invested on the brand name. The continuous use of the name will eventually not do good for business and that the public could confuse the meat product with the technology company.

On its official Spam Web site, the company outlines what it considers acceptable use of the word. Its guidelines include referring to the potted-meat product in capital letters.

It says it doesn't object to the use of spam to describe unsolicited commercial e-mail. But the company does object to the use of pictures of its product used in association with the e-mail term.

At any rate, I miss the taste of SPAM. The meat that is. YUM!

Monday, July 07, 2003

I decided to put to rest my, shall we say, "Upgrading" of my site. It's almost time for me to leave and I haven't read my emails for today. Sigh. Time flies.

There's a poet which, I staunchly believe you have heard before that I really love. Kahlil Gibran which until now, I still dunno what's the correct pronunciation of his name. His philosophies are shared in the book entitled The Prophet. It was written with the story a prophet being asked a series of questions regarding life. Like "Please tell us about love" and stuff like marriage and death. I read the book already and loved it. However, there is a site that has compiled his philosophies/poems by category based on the topic being related. Here it is. Just click on the topics on the left panel to get the good stuff. Enjoy!

Au revoir!

The "Guru" I was talking about earlier has a site of his own. As far as my professional and friendly taste takes me, the site is good. This guy started programming on a 586 computer which if you are still using one today, you're most probably playing Ultima or Dune. Kinda like using the "Family Computer" today. I can still give you a hundred lives in CONTRA and Mario Bros, mind you.

Anyhoo, he proved us wrong. We had the topnotch PCs that time but our brains aren't capable of absorbing that much data. Reminds you of an old Keanu Reeves movie huh?

Just made a few modifications on this site. I'm reviewing HTML and Javascript shit again. I lost it after college eh, if I ever had any. (big whoop). I added the Daily Thought thing on the sidebars. It took me a while to get it straight up. I really didn't concentrate on Webpage creation and editing that much. I have a bestfriend at our crib who is like a guru in these things.

Enjoy the new crap on this site. I'll add more along the coming days.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

I've been rummaging in my folders on my computer when I saw this article that a friend sent me. It's not exactly feministic but it does lean towards a woman's strength of character. We can't contest to that right guys?

How can a man know what a woman's life is?
A woman's life is quite different from a man's. God has ordered it so.
A man is the same from the time of circumcision to the time of his withering.
He is the same before he has sought out a woman for the first time,
and afterwards. But the day a woman enjoys her first love cuts her in two.
She becomes another woman on that day. The man is the same after his first
love as he was before. The woman is from the first day of her first love another.
That continues all through life. The man spends a night by a woman and goes away.
His life and body are always the same. The woman conceives.
As a mother she is another person than the woman without a child.
She carries the fruit of her womb for nine long months in her body.
Something grows. Something grows into her life that never again departs from it.
She is a mother. She is and remains a mother even though her child dies,
though all her children die. For at one time she carried the child under her heart.
And it does not go out of her heart ever again. Not even when it is dead.
All this the man does not know; he knows nothing.

an anonymous Abyssinian woman

Drag Racing is back in business! And I am all geared up to the smell of burnt tires, the sound of reving engines, the hiss of super chargers and the adrenaline of speed. It was raining these past few weeks that's why no race took place. Now we are soooo High and Dry. Hmm.. I miss radiohead.

I've been eating less these days. (hold the "gasps" and "yeah right" please) It's true. I only eat like once a day. hard to believe huh? but it's because I'm on a little financial famine. It's actually doing me good. We have a saying here that goes "kapag bitin ang kumot, matutong bumaluktot" (when the blanket is short, learn how to curl) Well, that's what I'm doing. And it's doing me good. hehehehe. I just dunno for how long. (wink)

By the way, thank you Noems for informing me about the periodical hiring. The presentation went well but I'm afraid my enthusiasm for the work have lost along the hiatus I got. I think God wants me to be better in the writing field before I work for them again. Tito Beck will understand. I told him I'll study. Guess where I plan to do it. UP bro! I have a close friend who graduated from there and she told me about all these stories about the school. She's so cool and great by the way. Love having her around. Ahem.. anyhoo, Hit me back bro. Thanks for giving this site to the UGSP people. They loved it daw. (uck!)

I'm on a poetry roll these days. Damn, it's like, when I got hit with a thought, I won't stop until I write it down. That's what girls can do to you. Beware. They will take you to a place where you are at your best and they won't stop until they have exhausted all your talents. They will divert your passion and turn it into something of artistic taste. (slap!) Ahem.. er.. yeah well, sure I went a little overboard but you still get the point right? Figure it out.

Au Revoir!

Saturday, July 05, 2003

I... am... shocked! Well, make that surprised. This is a new blog form I'm creating. Yeah, okay, it's been a while since I blogged. Honestly, I dunno why.

Anyhoo, I have been pretty busy these past few weeks. Band practice is better now, since we practice thrice a week and we do it at our guitarist's home. We don't pay for those overpriced studios anymore. We even sound better at the house. As my other blogger friend would put it - "Mercenaries."

We changed our line up to Linkin Park songs which resulted to higher voices, shieking, shouting and, my favorite.. Rapping. I'll be doing Mike Shinoda. I love his part. Nonetheless, we left one Incubus song for we feel it's catchy. Plus, we put some rap lines in it just so it's not too "record-like". I made the rap lines myself. Hmmp!

As always, I leave you with no definite time on when I'll blog next.

Au revoir!